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2nd Annual Cycle for Conservation

June 14, 2024
5:00 pm
- 9:30 pm

Our Cycle for Conservation bike tour is back for a 2nd year! This event is planned and hosted by MLC’s Next Generation Advisory Board and showcases lands conserved by MLC. This year the ride will be in the Mancos Valley, starting at Boyle Park and ending back at nearby Fenceline Cider for a post-ride celebration. There will be two ride length options: a kid-friendly distance of just 2 miles around the Town of Mancos, and the full tour of 8.5 miles on an out-and-back course leaving and returning to town on county roads.

Register now!


5:00-5:20 pm: Meet at the pavilion in Boyle Park

5:30 pm: Ride begins!

6:15 pm: Short kid-friendly ride ends back at Boyle Park

7:30-7:45 pm: Long ride ends back at Boyle Park / Fenceline Cider

7:30 – 9:30 pm: Post-ride celebration at Fenceline Cider featuring door prize drawings and live music. Open to riders and non-riders alike!


Bike ride details and etiquette:

Helmets are strongly encouraged. So are working front and rear lights.

Please signal your intentions throughout the ride!

All riders must complete a release of liability (included in online registration and also available day-of if needed).

The route is mostly on paved roads but there are two short segments on unpaved gravel roads.

View route maps here: Short Ride  Long Ride

Register now!



June 14, 2024
5:00 pm - 9:30 pm


Boyle Park and Fenceline Cider


MLC Next Gen Board