Field Notes

September 25, 2023
GOCO Continues their Support of the Montezuma Inspire Coalition
We are thrilled to announce that Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) recently awarded $320,000 to the Montezuma Inspire Coalition (MIC) for our work to get youth and families outside in Montezuma County. MIC’s mission is to create meaningful social and outdoor experiences for youth in the community, fostering connection, curiosity, and discovery.
The funding is part of GOCO’s Generation Wild program, which launched in 2015 to help urban, suburban, and rural communities across Colorado introduce kids and families to new outdoor experiences and inspire them to get outside more often for their health and happiness. Montezuma Land Conservancy is the fiscal agent for MIC and through this grant is receiving funds to support programming at Fozzie’s Farm.
Additionally, with this funding, MIC will continue to support eight other coalition partners: City of Cortez Parks and Recreation, Dolores River Boating Advocates, High Desert DEVO, Medicine Horse Center, Montezuma School to Farm Project, San Juan Mountains Association, School Community Youth Collaborative, and Southwest Conservation Corps.
“Something I really liked about the MIC program is digging, learning about erosion and plants, and planting trees.”
— 4th grade program participant from Lewis-Arriola Elementary School
This new funding brings the total GOCO investment in MIC to more than $4.4 million since 2017. Since that time, MIC has provided school-friendly programs, cost-free activities, opportunities for outdoor skill development, and affordable access to outdoor gear.
MIC looks forward to continuing to support getting all youth in the county outdoors, enjoying and learning from this beautiful place where we’re lucky enough to live.
For more information about MIC, visit