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¡Siembra Y S’mores!

November 17, 2023
3:00 pm
- 6:00 pm

This event description will continue in English.
Le damos la bienvenida a la comunidad latina e hispanohablante en Fozzie’s Farm el viernes 17 de noviembre, para una tarde de programación gratuita y en español. Estaremos sembrando árboles, explorando la finca y comiendo S’mores al lado de la fogata. Niños, adultos, ¡toda la familia es bienvenida! Esperamos ver a todos allá.
¡Si desea transporte gratuito, favor registrarse aqui!: https://tinyurl.com/466cahwm

Planting and S’mores!

We welcome the Latino and Spanish-speaking community to Fozzie’s Farm on Friday, November 17, for an afternoon of free, Spanish-language activities. We will be planting trees, exploring the farm, and eating S’mores by the campfire. Children, adults, the whole family is welcome! We hope to see everyone there.
fozzie's farm family event


November 17, 2023
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Fozzie’s Farm
19760 Road W
Lewis, CO 81327 United States
+ Google Map